Monday, March 29, 2021

Taina self-portrait

What do you like about my self-portrait? It was quite tricky, first I needed to take a photo on the web cam toy app. and then I had to use the "curve' on the drawing app. to make the outlines over my photo {like tracing} Then I had to choose my colours for all the spaces I made with my outlines. Finally, I had to post it to my blog.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Kawa of care By Taina


We learned how to care for our chrome books.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021



Rainbows are bright colours. The sun is a white light and when it shines through raindrops the little drops are like prisms and the light reflects and we see a rainbow.

We see rainbows in mist, rain, seaspray and glass.

Reflection is light bouncing